United Maine Coon Cat Association
Interested in learning more about our
cat club?
83/84 Starlee.s Justin Lver of Utchats
84/85 Prnsky’s Gizmo
86/87 Tamerak's Trademark
87/88 Le Beau Minu Yankee Trader
88/89 Capecoons Jumbalya of Essie coons
89/90 Essie Coons Bailey
90/91 Capecoons Glenlivet of Sarajen
91/92 Heritage Coons Butch Regan
92/93 Le Beau Minu Clyde of Heritage Coons
93/94 Whales Back Raybestos
94/95 Heritage Coons Vincegill of Bellerose
95/96 Heritage Coons Roseann Barr
96/97 Heritage Coons Shirley Temple
97/98 Heritage Coons Danny Thomas
98/99 A’Doracoon Dillon
99/00 Kerry-Kit Sean Connery Heritage Coon
00/01 Cameowcoons Pawnee
01/02 Heritage Coons Tina Turner
02/03 Heritage Coons Barbara Bush
03/04 Shanooks Boba Fett
04/05 Widowswalk Texas Justice
05/06 Nascat Magic Mile of Kelim Coons
06/07 Petteycats Starnice of Smoochcoons
07/08 Coonopry Lone Star of Le Beau Minu
08/09 Le Beau Minu Dusty Rose
09/10 Le Beau Minu Dusty Rose
10/11 GGLegacy Angel Blaze
11/12 Tac-N-Tac Ryuu
12/13 Cameowcoons Thorangel of GGLegacy
13/14 Tac-N-Tac Hajimi
14/15 Kelim Coons Somangel of GGLegacy
15/16 GGLegacy Angeluneau
16/17 Kelim Coons Mavrikangel of GGLegacy
17/18 Cameowcoons Jericho
Past Winners
Maine Coon Cats , Kittens & Alters
Maine Coon Polydactyl
Cats, Kittens & Alters
(New Page MCP Past Winners)
Coongratulations , one and all
83/84 Starlee’s Nostradamus
84/85 Le Beau Minu Yankee DoodleDandy
85/86 Le Beau Minu Yankee Doodle Dandy
86/87 Lachinar of Ailurophile
87/88 Prnsky’s Darn Yankee
88/89 Prnsky’s Spike
89/90 Codcoons Yankee Pilgrim
90/91 Capecoons Glenlivet of Sarajen
91/92 Kitkor’s Jake Regan of Heritage Coons
92/93 Kitkor’s Chances Are
93/94 Heritage Red Skelton
94/95 Le Beau Minu TJ Max
95/96 Kitkor’s O.J. of Heritage Coons
96/97 Le Beau Minu Jasper
97/98 Pawstuctaway Jose Cuervo
98/99 Cameowcoons Big Ragu
99/00 Heritage Coons Jimmy Stewart
00/01 Kerry-Kit Sean Connery Heritage Coon
01/02 Moolycats Erin Brockavich
02/03 Fogcity Rollin Thunder Le Beau Minu
03/04 Fogcity Rollin Thunder Le Beau Minu
04/05 Widowswalk Rocket Red Glare
05/06 Widowswalk Rocket Red Glare
06/07 Widowswalk Mickey Finn
07/08 Le Beau Minu Lovely Lily
08/09 Tac-N-Tac Hajimi
09/10 Kingfishers Mia Farrow
10/11 Tac-n-tac Ryuu
11/12 Cameowcoons Thorangel of GGLegacy
12/13 Big Meow Victoria of Cameocoons
13/14 Kelim Coons Somangel of GGLegacy
14/15 Shadyangel of GGLegacy
15/16 Kelim Coons Mavrikangel of GGLegacy
16/17 Cameowcoons Jericho
17/18 Cameowcoons Jericho
83/84 Utchats Reddy Kilowatt
84/85 Mor-Ace’s Passamaquoddy of Temek
85/86 Mor-Ace’s Passamaquoddy of Temek
86/87 Prnsky’s Gizmo
87/88 Le Beau Minu Rumford of Cascocoon
88/89 Le Beau Minu Mr Sir Lancelot
89/90 Capecoons Aja
90/91 Codcoons Cinnamon Spice
91/92 Codcoons Cinnamon Spice
92/93 Heritage Coons Butch Regan
93/94 Essie Coons Winston
94/95 Heritage Coons Billyrea of Bellerose
95/96 Heritage Coons Billyrea of Bellerose
96/97 Heritage Coons Billyrea of Bellerose
97/98 Heritage Coons Vincegill of Bellerose
98/99 Heritage Coons Danny Thomas
99/00 Pawstuctaway Reno
00/01 24K Coons Chalcedony
01/02 24K Coons Sunstone
02/03 Le Beau Minu Toby
03/04 Purrgatory’s Willard
04/05 Heritage Coons Vincegill of Bellerose
05/06 Pawstuctaway Sarengetti
06/07 Dracoonfly Finbar Conneff
07/08 Le Beau Minu Tenchi of Tac-N-Tac
08/09 Kelim Coons Jewel of the Desert
09/10 Kingfishers Robin Williams
10/11 Sarajen Skyelar Sand Dune Stargazer
11/12 Sarajen Skyelar Sand Dune Stargazer
12/13 Sarajen Skyelar Sand Dune Stargazer
13/14 GGLegacy Kopiluwak
14/15 Maggie Lane Annie Oakley
15/16 Pridenjoycoons Missee
16/17 Le Beau Minu Brina of Adoracoon
17/18 Le Beau Minu Brina of Adoradoon
88/89 Le Beau Minu Sir Lancelot
84/85 and 85/86 show years
Le Beau Minu Yankee Doodle Dandy
10/11 and 11/12 Show Year
Tac-n-tac Ryou
15/16 show seasons Best Maine Coon Kitten
16/17 show season best Maine Coon Cat
Kelim Coons Mavrikangel of GGLegacy
08/09 Tac-N-Tac Hajimi (kitten)
13/14 Tac-N-Tac Hajimi (Cat)